Anyeonghaseyo beautiful people.. :)
Apa macam hari ni ada baik ke ??
Saya di sini macam biasa sahaja.
Mencuri tulang di waktu sedang bekerja sebab bos tak da .. kiukiukiu...
Semalam baru saja habes tengok satu ceta korea neh..
Tajuk "The thousandth Man "
Apakah istimewa nya lelaki yang ke 1000 neh ??
Lelaki yang ke 1000 ni akan merealisasi kan impian seorang gadis gumiho untuk bertukar menjadi manusia ..
Gumiho ni apa yer ?? tau dak.. kalao kaki ceta korea mesti tau..
Tapi yang xtau .. mai nak habaq p..
Gumiho ni adalah musang jadian yang berekor 9.
Binatang lagenda orang Korea la...
Yang mana Gumiho ni selalu nya adalah berjantina perempuan.
dan boleh menyerupai manusia.
gumiho ni hidup dengan memakan hati manusia yakni lelaki...
Jadi dalam cerita ni.
Gadis Gumiho yang bernama Gu Mi Jin ni dah berjaya makan 999 hati manusia..
tinggal 1 keping hati lagi yang dia kena makan...
Mak dia Gu Mi Sun dan adik dia Gu Mi Mo dah pon jadi manusia.
Tinggal dia sorang ja.. sebab Gu Mi Jin ni
Dia percaya pada cinta... jadi hati yang dia akan makan tu adalah hati lelaki yang
cinta kan dia sahaja ..
Tak macam mak dgn adik dia..
Yang mana ada semua depa hentam ja...
Dalam masa 10 tahun dia tak berjaya makan sekeping hati pon..
Lelaki yang ke 1000 ni dia jumpa pada tahun terakhir utk dia jadi manusia...
Nak jadi manusia ni ada limit dia jugak
Dlam masa 1000 tahun kalao dia tak dapat kumpul 1000 hati,
Dia tak dapat jadi manusia ...
Dia akan terus lenyap macam tu saja ..
kesian kan... Jadi lelaki yang terakhir ni memang sanggup bagi hati dia ..
Tapi si Gu Mi Jin ni pulak tak mau...
Dia sedar kalau mencintai tu dia harus berkorban untuk orang yang dia cinta.
Bukan nya menjadi seorang yang pentingkan diri
dan mengambil kesempatan ke atas orang yang di sayangi...
Dia pon berkorban untuk kekasih dia yang ke 1000 tu sebab laki
tu ada sakit barah otak..
dia bagi batu geliga yang ada kat dia untuk sembuh kan laki tu....
Seriously aku memang tak puas hati dengan ending cerita ni..
Kalau la ada sedikit miracle yang boleh buat ke dua-dua watak utama hidup dan
Happily ever after tu kan best..
Jalan cerita drama ni memang bes dan tak boring langsung...
Kalau tengok dengan bersungguh - sungguh dalam dua hari ja leh selesai.
Sebab episode dia 8 ja...
Ok.. setakat ni saja buat kali nii..
Hepy watching yer kawan - kawan!
Anyeong haseyo beautiful people...
How is your day ??
Sekarang nak cerita pasal satu rancangan realiti tv yang saya sangat-sangat suke tengok
Tajuk dia face off yang di tayang kan di astro HD Be Tv channel 720.
Apakah yang menarik sangat tentang Realiti Tv Face off ni..??
Well, Face off ni adalah pertandingan untuk make up artis ..
tapi ni bukan mekap yang biasa tapi yang agak luar biasa . Mekap ni adalah mekap
special effect yang mana
setiap minggu mereka ni di beri tugasan utk mencipta watak-watak seperti di dalam filem.
Cth macam watak org jahat, monster , hantu, org tua .. macam - macam la yang depa ni buat
setiap minggu yang akan buat penonton impress giler-giler.
yang ni adalah one of my favourite.
Watak Pemain Cello yang di fantasi kan mengikut watak yang bersesuaian dgn
filem-filem arahan Tim Burton .
(Alice in Wonderland, Nightmare before Christmas, Corpse Bride and the list goes on)
tgk yang nii,, skilled gila dia buat mmg menggerun kan kalo jumpa tengah malam
muka mcm ni.. haha
yang ni pon salah satu dari watak yang berkaitan dgn filem Tim Burton jugak.
Ice cream man.. :)
pendek kata macam-macam makhluk yang depa ni cipta.
Semua nya hebat2 belaka.
Walaupon di mata kita memang dah perfect dh
tapi judges rncgan face off ni mmg straight gila.
Ada ja yang depa komen..
memang agak susah nak impress depa nii...
makhluk apa kah ini??
Nampak macam serigala jadian je kan.
So sapa2 yg berminat... jgn lupa tgk naaaa...
serius tak kan menyesal....
Dari sini kita leh tgk proses mcm mn depa nk hasil kn makhluk2 aneh yang kita salu ja
tgk kt tv... Walau pon bukan full process at least kita dapat gambaran sikit2...
kt youtube pon ada tapi kena pandai robek laaaa klo tak, tak jumpa....:)
Selamat menonton...
Anyeonghaseyo people!
Aduh macam mana hari ni boleh tertinggal cermin ?
HUH,, memang betol2 careless..
Off all the thing in life yang aku mmg xleh hidup kalau tak dak tu ada lah
This is the worse nightmare ,EVER.
Mujur lah kat blusher ada cermin tu pon kecik kemetot sama besaq ja dgn lobang hidung..
Nak tengok muka full kena teropong dari jauh.
Nasib la ..
Anyeong haseyo everyone!
Yesterday, while working on Christmas Holiday...
I came across a video entitle HIGHWAY OF TEARS.
It was a 48 hour documentary..
So where were this so called Highway of tears situated ???
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Picture resource from |
So this is how the Highway looks like.
scary huh?? i wouldnt dare driving along that kind of highway alone... NEVER.
Its in British Columbia Canada...
The original name of this highway were Highway 16,
but since there were many young woman disappeared and found dead along this
highway and bring the tears to all the family of the victim..
It is then had became The Highway of tears....
This highway stretched along 800 km between Prince George and Prince Rupert , British Columbia.
And as you can see , the highway was surrounded with a very thick forest with a pine wood so its
kind of hard for the authorized people to search for the victim and an easy place for the killer
to do their job since the area was an isolated area .
see ? they even put a banner to strictly forbid GIRLS to hitchhike at that place.
Because when something happen to the girls.
There is nobody to help..
Since when did this occured???
Its all started about 4 decade ago . To be exact 1969 until the last victim on 2011
and the number of the victim was more 20 according to the police report lodge .
But they believe that the real victim of the Highway of Tear was more than we could imagine.
Probably around 40 to 50 which were not discovered.
The victim
1. Gloria Moody
She was Killed in William lake (1969)
2. Micheline Pare
She was killed in Hudson Hope (1970)
3. Gale Weys
She was killed in Clear Water (1973)
4. Pamela Darlington
She was killed in Kamloop (1973)
5. Monica Ignas
She was killed in Terrace (1974)
6. Collen Mac Millan
She was killed in One hundred Mile house (1974)
7. Monica Jack
She was killed in Merritt (1978)
8. Maureen Mosie
Her battered body was found beside a road near Kamloop (1981)
9. Shelley Ann Bascu
went Missing in Hinton , Alberta 1983
10. Alberta Williams
was killed in Prince Rupert (1989)
11. Delphine Nikal
Missing near Smithers (1990)
12. Ramona Wilsons
her dead body was found in Smithers (1995)
13. Roxanne Thiara
Was killed in Burn Lake (1994)
14. Alishia Germaine
Was killed in Prince George (1994)
15. Lana Derrick
Missing and was last seen at Service station in Thornhill (1995)
16. Nicole Hoar
Missing in Prince George (2002)
17. Tamara Chipman
Last seen in Prince Rupert , while hitchhiking east on highway 16 (2005)
18. Aielah Saric Auger
killed in Prince George (2006)
19. Lauren Donn Leslie
Killed at Vanderhoof . Her killer was 21 years old Cody Legebokoff (2010)
20. Maddison Scott
Went missing after camping. She was having a party with her friend at that time and her friend left her to camp alone by lake .
Oh, poor little girl and woman.. How could those creature done that kind of thing to them and how heart broken the parents of all the victim might feel..
So who were this damn Killer that ????
They are many different killer that involved in this case .
Of all 20 woman , only two killer was discover .
1. Bobby Jack Fowler
He was American man , who was a rapist, kidnappers, arsonist , alcoholic and who drift from state to state up to Canada, working as a roofer.
His terrible action was discover when the Investigation Unit decided to try to test the DNA that
was found with the body of Colleen Mac Millen by using the advanced
technology that allow them to run the profile with INTERPOL (the international organization which connects police forces from 190 countries, allowing them to cooperate on investigations)
Others murder that were strongly linking with him were Pamela Darlington and Gale Weys.
He was arrested in 1995 and died in 2006 at the age of 66.
The investigator believe that he was not the main killer of this case since
there were many other woman murder and missing before his appearance there.
And after he died the number of the woman died at the highway of tears added.
2. Cody Legebokoff
He was found guilty for murdering , Lauren Donn Leslie , who he met online . He was also connected
to the murder of three other victim (prostitute) who were not in the list above. He was 21 years old.
He was not yet sentence and will face his trial in 2013... He was somehow not connected to the missing and murdering the girls after Bobby`s death.. So who was the person involved ?
The investigator still dont have any clue yet
and still working on it.
So , the killer is still rooting somewhere and maybe waiting for another chance to
do what they love to do..
So what do u guys think ?
I was having a bad dream last night after writing about this,
Maybe just my feeling since i am writing about dead people .. LOL
Until then...
Thanxx for reading !!
You guys rock!
Anyeonghaseyo to all beautiful people....
Gambar ni di ambil beberapa minggu lepas masa p makan kenuri rumah kawan Anih...
Oleh kerana rumah kenuri tu dekat dengan Tasoh Lake ..
Jadi kami pon decide utk pi buat Photoshot kat sana...
Sampai ja tak leh masuk plak dahhh sebab ada org dok kursus ,,
So we end up amek gambaq kat Pokok Buluh yang femes niii...
Ini Siti Aisyah yang sentiasa control cun
Ini Zahirah
Ini kami 4 beradik. sOrang lagi amek gmbaq ..
Ini Anih,, Speaker dewan undangan
Ini Lieya yang semakin hari semakin menembon....
Pokok Buluh ni sangat la comel...
Ramai jugak yang buat Photoshot kawen kat sini...
Even Aliya pon mai buat video klip kat sini tauuu...
Jangan jeles....
Apa apa pon enjoy the video klip yer...
Saja nak menunjuk pokok buluh yang ada dlam video klip tu ,, hhehehheee
Anyeong haseyo everyone!
Today is 22 Dec 2012 and we are still alive and kicking.
The Mayan calender that says the world end on 21 Dec 2012 is not true after all.
I wake up yesterday morning and looking for the sun if it rise from The west .. LOL..
Thats funny tho even i dont really believe but still counter check
But then while surfing through the net,
I found and article about the new found Mayan Calender ,
7000 years ahead..
read here
So lucky for us it didn`t end yesterday..
How greatful that there is so much time left for us to do what we supposed to do
and to fix what we supposed to fix.
So who the hell were this Mayan people that making the creep out of us????
To find out more about Mayan People...
Please watch this video and get to know them better..
Because there were good and bad things about them..
Well for me i think the good thing about them is their technology at that time
(written language, art, architecture, mathematical and Astronomy)
The bad things about them are ,
They believe in some kind of god like , rain god , water god and something like that
and sacrified their people to their god.
Even small children age below 8 had been sacrified for their god since that god prefer children more than adult.This is according to National Geographic Finding while they dive in one
of the sacred well underwater.
Not even this , they also sacrified people to impress other nation when they play a sport or something like that.. They perform ritual a LOT..
And they even had a special place for ritual . What a life.
There are more secret of this Mayan people that we the new Generation should dig and dig.
So that we will not make a chaos out of something that we did not conform.
The Mayan are not to blame for the predicted date .
Its just that us did not find out sooner about the real purpose of the calender that end on
21 Dec 2012.
But thanxx for the Spanish invasion that had ruin most of the Mayan script.
Even so they manage to sneak out a few book that had been kept in the secret library where no one knows except for the people involve....
All i Could say is that The Mayan People are rich many uncover thing that we us people to find out...
I have been really interested in this Mayan thing since i saw one of the Documentary about them...
Such people did exist...
Impressive huh..well... to learn more,,
Watch the video that i had link below..
The documentary take about an hour but
i watch it without a blink as the time goes by....
and there are lots and lots of the Video about them that u guys can find...
for your own preference ...
Until then... History is the most precious thing of a Man kind ,
Do u agree???
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